Digital Incidents Paradigm: Beyond Conventional Cyber Crimes

Cybercrime has become the biggest threat to digital information, causing reputational and financial damage to businesses and individuals around the globe.

Cyber attacks are now impacting not only individuals who are online but also those are not online, for example, one of the cyber-attacks have disrupted the availability of electricity in thousands of homes in Eastern Europe.

Therefore Digital Forensics practice, which deals with acquisition-preservation-analysis of digital evidences (related to digital incident/crime), is becoming more significant to organisations.

Digital Forensics adoption is still very limited and is entirely left to security professionals who configure to log and monitor the conventional digital incidents related to:

  • Economic crime e.g. fraud, money laundering
  • Threats and extortion
  • Stalking and harassment
  • Content abuse
  • Privacy invasion 
  • Identity theft

However, digital evidences are now prevalent to wider incidents including:

  • Accidents and negligence
  • Commercial disputes
  • Disagreements, deceptions, and malpractice
  • Property rights infringement
  • Employee disciplinary issues

This list continues to grow depending on the business nature of the orginizations. 

Therefore cyber security professionals need to think through and collaborate with business functions for setting up Digital Forensic practices.

Technology will only become more prevalent in our lives as innovations such as the internet of things (IoT), machine learning and automation arrive. Undoubtedly, these mediums will spawn the next generation of cyberattacks.

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