Social Sites Security against Cyber Crimes

This is an awareness video to secure information shared on social sites to avoid becoming victim of cyber crime.

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Social Engineering Attacks in Cyber Crimes

This video is about common Social Engineering attacks used in Cyber Crimes and how to prevent it.

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Mobile Phone Security against Cyber Crime

This is Cyber Security video to raise awareness on smart phones security and security tips against cyber crimes

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Cyber Crime – Confidential Data – Identifying being a Victim

This video is about making awareness on Cyber Crime, the Confidential data and some symptoms to identify if you are victim of Cyber Crime.

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Organizations need to get ready with Digital Forensic: Part 2

Integrating Forensic with other IT security activities Forensic readiness is complementary to, and an enhancement of, many existing information security activities.  Policy Update – Updating IT policies appropriately for inclusion of Digital Forensic related terms Asset Management – It is important to know which assets are subject to target and potential sources for evidence gathering Risk Management – It should be part of an information […]

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Organizations need to get ready with Digital Forensic : Part 1

Most commonly, forensic investigation of digital evidence is done as a post-event response to a serious information security incident and given an option, IT department of most of the orgnizations would prefer to avoid it given the timeframe, cost and wide range of staff impacted with such investigations. However, monitoring, analyzing and investigating digital evidences as a standard practice can actually help organizations to avoid […]

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Digital Incidents Paradigm: Beyond Conventional Cyber Crimes

Cybercrime has become the biggest threat to digital information, causing reputational and financial damage to businesses and individuals around the globe. Cyber attacks are now impacting not only individuals who are online but also those are not online, for example, one of the cyber-attacks have disrupted the availability of electricity in thousands of homes in Eastern Europe. Therefore Digital Forensics practice, which deals with acquisition-preservation-analysis […]

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