Corporate Trainings

Our Approach to Corporate Trainings:


This is the preparation stage where much of the thinking, brainstorming and planning takes place. Pre-training discussions are utilised to gain knowledge about organisation operations, security concerns, applicable regulatory obligations, HR/business/IT policies those are to be obliged by employees. 

It helps to:  

  • Get to know your workforce and the company cultures influencing them
  • Create a training roadmap including intended results
  • Decide on the best training approach or strategies to use for target employees


Training can be provided in person, web based or though E-learning as appropriate to the target employees.


We understand that learning is a continuous process and hence won’t just stop after training but assist in following:

  • Setting up a portal within intranet that contains training materials for employees to revisit at their own comfort
  • Creating an “Frequently Asked Questions” page to anticipate the usual questions from employees
  • Update training materials if necessary

1. Digital Forensic

Forensic readiness is a security process which is more procedural and staff- intensive than technological.

It requires an understanding of:

  • Possible evidence sources
  • How to gather evidence legally and cost-effectively

A wide range of staff will be involved with, impacted by, or responsible for, evidence and investigations.

We provide training with systematic steps and integrating  Forensic with other IT Security activities.

Contact Us for more details

2. Generic and customized security awareness training for corporate employees

Help train every member of your organization and arm them with the knowledge to use computing equipment safely and securely.

We present the General Security Awareness Course, designed to provide security awareness training for employees and all other personnel.

Security awareness training for employees help to understand the threats, and more importantly, the correct behaviors to minimize risks and keep your organization safe.

Contact Us for more details

3. Incorporating Information Security Process in Project Management 

Information Security (InfoSec) is required at all stages of business, from building/development, deployment and operations for ensuring customer privacy, maintaining data security, minimizing business disruptions/security incidents and ensuring compliance to regulatory requirements.

Training involves:

  • The Build-Deploy-Run (BDR) Framework
  • Activities in BDR Framework
  • Assessments in BDR Framework
  • InfoSec activities in Build phase
  • InfoSec activities in Deploy phase
  • InfoSec activities in Run phase
  • InfoSec Responsibility checks and validations

Contact Us for more details

4. Cyber Security Workshops for IT professionals

We can help to up skill your current IT teams to become Cyber Security savvy to take charge of your Cyber Security operations or ensure security in their day-to-day operations

Topics include such as:

  • Security Fundamentals
  • Security Offense
  • Security Defence
  • Introduction to Cyber Security
  • Understanding Threats
  • Introduction to Compliance
  • Networking Fundamentals
  • Operating Systems Competency
  • Endpoint Security

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